Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My relationship ....with bugs!

As I was tracking a infestation of weevils in a customers home, she asked me if I always liked bugs
After answering," No not really", we laughed and I continued my search for the dry goods that brought these little creatures in her home.  Searching through the pantry with my flashlight we eventually found the cat food that started a nightmare infestation.
 As I drove home I thought about her question. Did I always like bugs? Interesting how life takes us on journeys we never expected.  It makes me think about how important teachers are in our lives.  Not only our childhood school teachers but the mentors in our lives.  The boss, coworker, piano teacher, softball coach that inspires us to strive towards a rewarding career. 
After some soul searching if I am ever asked that question again I would answer "No I didn't always like bugs, it was something that was developed later in life by someone that inspired me."

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